
No one can sue you for promising a woman marriage during the talking stage to get her in bed, flattering/bragging is not illegal – Lawyer

According to private legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw, a man cannot be sued under the laws of Ghana for promising a woman marriage during a talking stage to get her into bed.

The lawyer speaking on Kessben TV’s Maakye with Kwabena Owusu Dankwah expounded that during the talking stage of any relationship, the words of men are considered to be sweet talking (Kuwa) and therefore cannot be used against in a court of law.

He explained that it is only in circumstances where commitments are made by partners which are evidenced, like accepting a promise ring or receiving gifts to marry someone etc. With such, he said one can be sued if he or she fails to hold to his or her promise.

But for the mere commendatory during talking stages of relationships, there is no way one can be used through that.

He took the opportunity to caution especially women about the sweet promises men make to them during the talking stages of their relationships as these words are not evidential.


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