Appiatse Contractors To Move To Site In Two Weeks – Deputy Lands Minister

The Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, responsible for Lands and Forestry and Chairman of the Appiatse Reconstruction Implementation Team, Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio says the contractors for Appiatse Reconstruction are hoped to move to site in a space of two weeks.
Speaking to the Media during his working visit to Appiatse on Thursday, 14th July, 2022 to among others, inspect the laying out of the access roads yet to be constructed, Hon. Benito disclosed that preparations towards the construction itself is at the procument stage which he assured will not be unduly delayed due to the urgency of the project and is therefore hopeful that in two weeks time, contractors will be on site.
He noted that while the procurement processes are on course, the team will also ensure that hoarding of the entire area is done and also demarcations for contractors and site officers on the site among others. This he said will ensure that no time is wasted in the waiting process.
He also made it known that the Ministry of Roads and Highways acting through the Department of Urban Roads (DUR) has gotten approval from PPA to award the road construction at Appiatse township and so in a matter of weeks, contractors will be on site to commence their work.
Having taken a quick tour of the area, Hon. Benito expressed his satisfaction with work done and hoped that gradually they will get to ground zero ” The work I have seen here is more than satisfactory, we’ve walked around the core area showcasing the opening to the roads to be constructed to the school, the market, the park and the clinic just as it shows on the planning scheme being used and I must say we are happy with our timelines, we are still on course”.
Hon. Owusu-Bio acknowledged some organizations which have pledged to provide the community with a school, clinic and a market as part of the reconstruction.
He appreciated the intentions of these institutions and all the efforts Ghanaians have made in contributing towards such a worth cause expressing it as “overwhelming”, he was however quick to add that the team needs up 75 million Ghana cedis to be able to finish up the entire construction working from the core to the peripherals.
Hon. Benito also thanked the Chief, District Assembly members, the Municipal Chief Executive and the members of the ARIT team for displaying such sense of patriotism in discharging their duties.
Mr. Blankson Hermans, a member of the Reconstruction Implementation Team and an architect from the Ghana Institute of Architects explained some technicalities to the media saying that “works has commenced with the laying out of the road network and the survey works has been also been completed and we are happy with the progress”
He continued that grading of the roads are also on course to enable the engineers map out all the sectors which he noted are 6 in the core area, adding that these sectors will soon developed with the caving of the inner road to make way for actual construction to begin.