
Critical Advisory Statement on Vision 2057: A Blueprint for Ghana’sFuture Trajectory

As a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in development plans, policy development and long-term planning in the United Kingdom and extensive
involvement in various national and international committees in Ghana, I am
encouraged by the Ghana National Development Planning Commission’s (NDPC)
Vision 2057 for Ghana. This bold blueprint, articulated by Dr Kodjo Esseim Mensah -Abrampa (Director General), aims to guide Ghana’s sustainable development by
integrating social, economic, and environmental dimensions.
However, for Vision 2057 to be a credible and actionable development plan, it must be
accompanied by crucial supporting documents that provide robust evidence and ensure comprehensive stakeholder engagement. Below, I outline essential documents that should accompany the National Development Plan:

  1. COVID Impact Assessment Report
    Rationale: The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected all aspects
    of life. Understanding its impacts on Ghanaians is crucial for informed
    Expectation: The NDPC should include a detailed assessment of how the
    pandemic has affected various sectors and how these impacts have been
    addressed in the development plan.
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)Rationale: Sustainable development hinges on environmental
    stewardship. An EIA or SEA will ensure that environmental considerations
    are thoroughly integrated.
    Expectation: The plan should accompany these assessments to
    demonstrate how environmental impacts have been considered and
  3. Statement of Community Involvement
    Rationale: Development plans affect communities directly. Their
    involvement ensures that the plan reflects the needs and aspirations of the
    Expectation: The NDPC should provide a detailed statement on how key
    stakeholders, including residents and political parties, have been engaged. This will foster collective ownership and political buy-in.
  4. Infrastructure Delivery Plan
    Rationale: Sustainable growth requires adequate infrastructure. A
    comprehensive plan outlining how proposed developments will be supported by necessary infrastructure is essential.
    Expectation: The NDPC should include a detailed infrastructure delivery
    plan covering healthcare, education, housing, employment facilities, waste management, utilities, and community amenities. Additionally, a financial mechanism like the Community Infrastructure Levy should be introduced, which should be managed in collaboration with local governments.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
    Rationale: Continuous improvement and adaptability are critical to successful long-term planning.
    Expectation: A robust monitoring and evaluation framework should accompany the plan to ensure that policies are regularly reviewed and updated as needed. This framework will help identify and rectify any shortcomings in the implementation process.
    Without these supporting documents, Vision 2057 risks being perceived as incomplete
    and may lack the necessary credibility. Stakeholders may reject it, and it could face
    legal challenges in the courts of Ghana. Therefore, I urge the NDPC to enhance the
    plan with these critical components to ensure its successful adoption and implementation.

  6. About the Author
    Michael Kwesi Nartey is a Chartered Development Planner practising in the UK and has over 20 years of experience in policy development. He holds a Bachelor of Science
    degree in Planning from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, a
    Master of Arts in Development Studies from the Institute of Social Studies (now the
    Erasmus University of Rotterdam) in the Netherlands, and a Master of Science degree
    with Distinction in International Project Management from Glasgow Caledonian
    University, UK. Currently a PhD Student in Law and Politics, his research focuses on
    slum and squatter settlements in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana. Previously, he served as
    Ghana’s Civil society representative at the United Nations Convention on Drought and
    Desertification. He also participated in various national committees on biodiversity,
    environment, biotechnology, and sustainable development projects.
    Michael Kwesi Nartey, BSC(Hons), MA, MSC, RTPI

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