
Ghana Hosts 2024 Global Conference on International Day for Universal Access to Information

Honourable Minister of Information, Fatimatu Abubakar, launched the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) at the Ministry’s Press Centre on June 5, 2024. The event was attended by dignitaries from UNESCO, the Ghana Commission for UNESCO, the Right to Information Commission, and media representatives.

Information Minister Honourable Fatimatu Abubakari announced that Ghana will host the 2024 Global Conference of IDUAI on October 1-2, 2024, under the theme “Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation across the Public Sector.” This recognition acknowledges Ghana’s progress in promoting the right to information.

Ghana’s Right to Information (RTI) law was passed in 2019 after years of advocacy from civil society. The law aims to ensure citizens’ access to information held by public institutions. Notable achievements include:

  • Establishment of the Access to Information Division (ATID) and the Right to Information Commission,
  • Posting of 350 RTI officers to public institutions nationwide,
  • Collaboration with UNESCO for RTI officers’ training and research on RTI law implementation

The 2024 Global Conference will include:

  • High-level Inter-Ministerial panel discussion , Special and breakaway sessions on advancing access to information in critical sectors and Adoption of the Accra Statement and launch of a Special Joint Publication

Hosting the conference is a call to action for continued transparency and accountability. It offers an opportunity to showcase achievements, share best practices, and learn from other nations committed to upholding the right to information.

Minister Fatimatu Abubakari expressed gratitude to UNESCO and stakeholders for their contributions to Ghana’s RTI journey. She reaffirmed dedication to openness and accountability, ensuring that anyone can access information freely.

Ghana’s hosting of the 2024 Global Conference marks a significant milestone in promoting universal access to information and transparency.

Abdul Hamid Yakub who represented Mr Edmond Moukala N’Gouemo UNESCO REPRESENTATIVE TO GHANA said the appointment of Ghana as the institutional co-host for IDUAI 2024, recognizes the country’s commitment to promoting transparency, accountability, and access to information. Ghana will provide a platform for a high-level inter-ministerial panel to discuss improving access to information across government sectors. UNESCO commended Ghana’s progress in expanding public access to information and expressed confidence in a successful conference.

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