Re: Ignore the ludicrous tantrums of Bryan Acheampong

The recent statement made by Sammy Gyamfi to undermine Hon. Bryan Acheampong, our MP for Abetifi and Minister for Food and Agriculture, is not only factually incorrect but also displays the NDC’s incompetence in conducting proper research. We urge all Ghanaians to ignore this baseless attack.
We would like to provide some factual information to enlighten Sammy Gyamfi and his followers:
- It is common knowledge that everyone enters the US Air-force as an Airman Basic before rising through the ranks. Therefore, Sammy Gyamfi’s claim that Hon Bryan Acheampong was a mere Airman Basic (the lowest enlisted rank in the US Air-force immediately below airman) is borne out of ignorance
- The NDC’s initial accusation against Hon Bryan Acheampong was that he was not in the USA Air-force, which has been proven false. However, the NDC has failed to retract or apologize for spreading misinformation.
- It is important to note that the founder of the NDC was a mere flight lieutenant. This fact should be common knowledge for the NDC, but it seems they lack basic reading and research skills.
We question why the NDC is so afraid of Hon Bryan Acheampong’s name. Perhaps Sammy Gyamfi and the NDC can provide an answer.
In conclusion, we offer this information as a form of free education to Sammy Gyamfi and his incompetent NDC. We the Patriotic Action Group (PAG) will face the NDC boot for boot should they attempt to do anything untoward in this country.
Source :Kwame Sam, Convener – Patriotic Action Group (PAG)