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Coffin Maker Tries to Boost Sales by Attempting Mass Murder

Businesses in the funeral sector profit from an increasing death toll, and a coffin builder in Limbe, Cameroon, decided that killing people was the best way to guide his business in the correct path.

Since people weren’t bringing the coffin maker enough corpses, the 33-year-old was struggling to keep his business afloat with low sales. He got fed up sitting beside empty coffins since the money only hit his bank when there are corpses to drop in them

Any entrepreneur would try various techniques to enhance sales, but the coffin maker was willing to go above and beyond. He paid a visit to a nearby hospital and attempted to go on a killing spree by disconnecting the drips from cholera victims who had been admitted.

He was caught in the act by one of the nurses on duty. He was unable to flee the scene because authorities apprehended him shortly. He was turned over to police by hospital officials for additional investigation and charges.

Experimenting with different side hustles to make money was too much labor for this man when a hospital was nearby. His ideas backfired, and his actions simply dug a bigger hole for his company.

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