Deputy Lands Minister Tells Chamber of Mines To Ensure Responsible Mining At All Times

The Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. George Mireku Duker, (MP) has admonished mining companies in the country, particularly small scale mining firms to undertake their mining operations in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to the natural environment to the barest minimum.
Delivering a speech on behalf of the Sector Minister, Hon. Samuel A. Jinapor, (MP) at the Ghana Chamber of Mines’ Biennial Expanded Council Conference themed “Deepening the responsible mining agenda to promote socio-economic development in Ghana”, Hon. George Mireku Duker tasked the companies to deploy responsible mining measures in their activities at all times.
The Deputy Minister counselled that adhering strictly to responsible mining practices will not only protect Ghana’s natural resources but also help the companies, the mining communities and the country enjoy optimal benefits from mining.
Whiles recognizing the contribution of large-scale mining companies to the country’s economy, Hon. Duker emphasized the need for dedication and commitment to mining regulations.
“Responsible mining mantra is equally applicable to the large scale mining sector of the industry. Indeed, responsible economic activity has been recognized as a key means of spurring sustainable development by the private sector.
Therefore, whiles acknowledging the economic contribution of the sector, being “responsible” also includes taking right decisions, complying with requirements, being accountable and liable to regulatory review and, in case of falling foul, to penalties”, he said.
Drumming home his sermon on responsible mining at the event which was held in Kumasi on Friday, March 4, 2022, Hon. Duker stated that the unfortunate and devastating effect of the Appiatse explosion should serve as a wake up call to all mining firms.
“The recent incident at Apiatse is still fresh in our minds. And unfortunate though it was, it presents us with the opportunity to deepen our sense of responsibility across all levels of mining operations so that we don’t get to erode the gains made so far,” he maintained.
He said the Ministry will continue to take initiatives that will facilitate responsible mining in the operations of both small and large scale mining firms.
He said since assumption of office the government has sought to re-engineer the governance framework of the mining sector through diverse interventions in an attempt to sanitize the Small- Scale Mining (SSM) subsector in particular.
The Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Samuel A. Jinapor, has since his appointment brought renewed impetus to the process through various initiatives aimed at whipping up a sense of responsibility in mining practices towards the natural environment.
“The recently held maiden Responsible Small Scale Mining Awards with a theme, “PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE AND SUSTAINABLE MINING”, was a deliberate attempt to encourage responsible mining practices in the SSM space. The theme for the conference, “Deepening The Responsible Mining Agenda to Promote Socio-Economic Development in Ghana”, therefore, aligns very well with government vision for the mining sector,” he said.
Mr. Martin Ayisi, CEO of Minerals Commission touched on the Review of Minerals and Mining Act, the Implementation of Minerals and Mining (Local content and local participation) Regulations, L. I. 2431.
He charged the CEO’s of Mining companies to comply with local content provisions in their infrastructural developments.
Mr. Eric Asubonteng, President of the Ghana Chamber of Mines observed that the efforts of the Sector Minister, Hon. Samuel A.Jinapor in addressing some of the challenges facing the mining sector is encouraging.
He said that the strides made by Hon. Jinapor and his deputies in the mining sector fills him with confidence that the challenges facing the sector are surmountable.
The Expanded Council Meeting is held every two years by the Ghana Chamber of Mines to bring together key stakeholders in the mining industry under one umbrella to discuss matters relating to the growth of the industry.