
NPP Central Regional Chairman, Robert Kutin Jr. Congratulates MMDCE Nominees

Congratulations to all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) Nominees across the country.

The President had an onerous task of selecting just one person from thousands of distinguished and hardworking aspirants who have one way or the other contributed immensely to the success of NPP from their districts, municipalities or metropolises.

As the laws of our land dictates, the President in consultation with Minister for Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development has appointment those he deems fit and worthy to represent him at the various MMDAs. In as much as one may be disappointed because his or her preference did not get nominated, it is quite understandable. Human nature being what it is, frustration and anger set in when we do not achieve our aims or fail to land on what our hearts’ desire. Nevertheless, everyone is admonished not to do anything that will bring the image of His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the party and its leadership into disrepute.

I am appealing to everyone to be measured in communicating your frustrations out there. We must admit that whoever has been nominated is not an outsider. All the nominees are members of the NPP, so let’s not get extreme with our anger. If we keep working hard to maintain power, those who failed in their quest to serve as MMDCE this time may also get opportunities to serve in other capacities or in same positions someday.

Again, I would like admonish all elected and appointed Assembly members to come into unison and expedite actions to facilitate confirmation processes in our common interest.

To the nominees, this is not the hour to put up attitudes that will further deepen cracks in our party. May your actions in the discharge of your duties as chief representatives of central government in your respective assemblies heal wounds, create more friends than enemies, foster unity and attract more party members not forgetting floating voters as well. Conduct yourselves in a manner that will open doors for Chiefs, Queenmothers, opinion leaders, our hardworking past and present constituency officers, electoral area coordinators, polling station officers, gallant party members and other relevant stakeholders to work with you to bring the developments your constituents are seeking. In everything, do broad consultations with stakeholders in order to pull everyone along the vision.

Congratulations once again to all nominees.

Thank you

Robert Kutin Jr.
NPP Central Regional

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