I Had To Teach Him A Lesson – Obibini Boasts Of Flooring Amerado In Rap Battle

According to Obibini, he went into the rap battle to teach Amerado a lesson for disrespecting him on live TV. Obibini insisted that Amerado is a child and a student who still has a long way to go in the rap game.
Speaking to Zion Felix in an interview after the release of Carcass, Obibini recounted how he effortlessly delivered his freestyle without breaking a sweat. He disclosed that he didn’t need to listen to ‘The Throne’ before putting out a perspicacious reply in the form of ‘Carcass’.
“I was asleep. I woke up and heard Amerado has replied. I didn’t even listen to him. So I just felt like using him as an experiment to prove something. I don’t need to listen to him. There’s nothing he would say that would impress me. It’s a done deal. Amerado is a student.”

He revealed how Amerado tagged along just to be in the presence. According to Obibini, Amerado was a die-hard fan who couldn’t get enough of his idol (Obibini). He said, “I know you, Amerado, I know you. In Kumasi, you were by my side in your hoodie in the afternoon begging for a pic. I was the guy you looked up to. So, where is this ego coming from? He needs to be taught a lesson.”
Obibini expressed his appreciation for the publicity and PR this rap battle fetched him. But warned Amerado to desist from such blatant disrespect. He continued, “God wanted me to use him as a doormat for my own benefit. Thanks to him, though. Many things, not just hype. It could be one, and to prove a point. He is a child. You don’t just wake up and go on TV and say stuff.
“Basically, I am just having fun. I am not into this at all,” Obibini concluded.
Source: 3news