Residents of Osino in the Fanteakwa South District in the Eastern Region have protested the deplorable state of Osino-Saamang Road.
On Wednesday morning, the protesters blocked the road to register their displeasure towards companies using their heavy trucks to destroy road.
They insist the companies construct their road before they can use it.
“You see these big trucks for the last one month, they have been using this stretch. We have complained severally but they won’t bother. We have blocked the road.”
None could mention the name of the company but believe it’s the mining companies around who have worsened the state of the road.
“We don’t know whether they mine gold or sand, but their activities on the road with the tipper truck has worsened the state of our road.
“They don’t even care to re-shape the road as part of their corporate [social] responsibility. We won’t allow them to continue to use the road.”
Another added: “We are allowing the small cars to pass, but not the big ones. They have destroyed our road. The dust during the Harmattan period is just unbearable.”