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#Red Friday campaign begins today

The Concerned Ghanaians for Responsible Governance group, who organized the ‘Occupy Flagstaff House’ demonstration, are calling on Ghanaians to wear red attire every Friday from today in their latest campaign challenging government to address concerns about the country’s economic hardship.
The ‘Red Friday’ campaign will continue to highlight the issues raised in the petition handed to government officials as part of ‘Occupy Flagstaff House’.
The campaign will run on social media under the hash tag #REDFRIDAY which Ghanaians can use to express their opinions about how government is managing the economy.
“On Fridays, Ghanaians will be encouraged to join discussions on social media. It is important that Ghanaians using social media participate in these discussions use the hash tags #redfriday and #occupyflagstaffhouse, as by doing so, it will be possible to gather important data for the campaign”, said a statement from George Kojo Anti, Executive Secretary of Concerned Ghanaians for Responsible Governance (CGRG), organisers of the campaigns.
The campaign is to appeal to Ghanaians to wear their voice until the government pay attention to their problems.
The colour red is  associated with death and mourning.

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