
Twitter Launches ‘Safety Mode’ To Enable Healthy Conversations

Twitter has launched a new safety feature.

The feature will allow users to temporarily block accounts for seven days for using harmful language or sending uninvited replies, the social media platform said on Wednesday.

According to Twitter ‘Feeling safe on Twitter looks different for everyone. We’ve rolled out features and settings that may help you to feel more comfortable and in control of your experience, and we want to do more to reduce the burden on people dealing with unwelcome interactions.”

They added, ‘Unwelcome Tweets and noise can get in the way of conversations on Twitter, so we’re introducing Safety Mode, a new feature that aims to reduce disruptive interactions. We’re rolling out this safety feature to a small feedback group on iOS, Android, and, beginning with accounts that have English-language settings enabled.’

Once the feature is turned on in your settings, Twitter systems will assess the likelihood of a negative engagement by considering both the Tweet’s content and the relationship between the Tweet author and replier.

Twitter takes existing relationships into account, so accounts you follow or frequently interact will not be autoblocked.

Find out more about the safety mode feature here

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