Religion & Culture

W/R: Disunity Among Ahanta Chiefs Hinders Western Region’s Development

The Chief of Axim Dadwen, Nana Kwaidoo III, has identified disunity among Ahanta land chiefs, Asafo groups, and family heads as the primary obstacle to the government’s efforts to develop the Western Region. Speaking at a unity meeting of Asafo groups, Nana Kwaidoo III emphasized the need for cooperation among these groups to foster progress.

Despite Ahanta’s strategic location as the gateway to the Western Region, internal conflicts among chiefs, Asafo groups, and family heads have hindered development. Nana Kwaidoo III criticized the prioritization of personal interests over collective development, urging the groups to work together to lobby for the region’s advancement.

The meeting aimed to promote Ahanta culture and unity, with Nana Kwaidoo III expressing optimism about its potential to bring lasting change.

The Municipal Chief Executive for Sekondi-Takoradi, Hon. Abdul Issah Mumin also highlighted the need for unity, citing the Nzemas’ greater unity as an example.

An Asafohene praised the meeting as a step in the right direction, anticipating its positive impact on promoting Ahanta locally and internationally.

The success of this initiative hinges on the commitment of the Asafo groups, chiefs, and family heads to collaborate and strengthen Ahanta.

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