A Call to Action: Ensuring the Safety of Ghana’s Highways

Welcome, Honorable Minister, to your new role. As you embark on this journey, we urge you to prioritize the safety of Ghana’s highways. Imagine yourself traveling on a pothole-ridden highway at night, during the rainy season. The experience is not only uncomfortable but also perilous.
As you settle into your new position, we implore you to take immediate action to address the deplorable state of our highways. The first step would be to repair all potholes on major roads, ensuring a smooth and safe journey for all road users.
Furthermore, we urge you to ensure that all road markings are done and properly maintained. Clear and visible road markings are crucial for preventing accidents, especially at night or during inclement weather.
As the Minister responsible for the nation’s transportation, we remind you that the lives of Ghanaians are in your hands. They are the reason you were appointed to this position. We appeal to you to prioritize their safety above all else.
To enhance road safety, we recommend that you consider implementing consistent police patrols on our highways. This will not only deter reckless driving but also provide assistance to stranded motorists.
We ask you to put yourself in the shoes of those who have lost loved ones in avoidable road accidents. The pain of losing a friend, son, mother, father, or relative is unbearable. We must work together to prevent such tragedies from occurring.
As you begin your tenure, we challenge you to make your reign the best that Ghana has ever seen. Let us work together to create a safe and efficient transportation system that benefits all Ghanaians.
The state of our highways is a ticking time bomb, and immediate action is required to prevent disasters. We are confident that with your leadership, we can transform Ghana’s highways into a safe and enjoyable experience for all.