“K.T. Hammond’s Lawyer Seeks Retraction and Apology from Captain Smart”

A lawyer representing K.T. Hammond, MP for Adansi Asokwa, has written to Captain Smart, a radio host, demanding a retraction and apology over alleged libelous statements. The lawyer claims that Captain Smart attributed tribal and bigoted comments to K.T. Hammond in a viral video clip circulating on social media.
The lawyer asserts that the statements were untrue, caused considerable distress and embarrassment to K.T. Hammond, and amount to serious libel. The lawyer is seeking a full and unequivocal public retraction and apology, as well as compensation for injury to K.T. Hammond’s reputation and feelings.
The lawyer has given Captain Smart until December 18, 2024, to respond satisfactorily, failing which a Writ will be issued.
Read full statement below:
Attention: Blessed Godsbrain Smart (aka: Captain Smart)
By Hand Delivery and WhatsApp: 0208114990
Dear Sir,
Re: “Ayigbe man comot. Ashanti man for Ashanti Region”
Request for retraction and apology
i. We act for and on behalf of K.T. Hammond, MP for Adansi Asokwa.
ii. Our client’s attention has been drawn to a viral, two-in-one streaming video clip circulating on social media, with one part of the video muted and showing our client in an agitated mood and surrounded by a host of individuals within the outer confines of his residence.
iii. However, the related second video clip, on top of the first video clip, shows you and another gentleman (possibly a co-host of your radio show) doing a running commentary or voice-over in which the following bigoted and tribal statement was attributed to our client, namely:
“He said Ah! how can an Ewe person, an Ewe person be the one to take the seat from me” “He said why would an Ewe person be the one to take the seat from me in the Ashanti township, an Ewe person, an Ewe person!” “KT said Ah! Why?! Why?! Why would an Ewe person be the one to take the seat from me in the Ashanti township, an Ewe person, an Ewe person how?!”
iv. The said statements that you attributed to our client were not only untrue, but the same amount to a very serious libel on him and have caused him considerable distress and embarrassment. All the allegations made against him are false and your attack on him was unjustififed.
v. In the circumstance, our client requires from you as a matter of urgency a full and unequivocal public retraction and apology in terms to be approved by us, and an undertaking not to repeat these allegations.
vi. We have also advied him that he is entitled to substantial compensation for the injury to his reputation and feelings, as to which we invite your proposals. Our client will also require payment by you of all the legal costs he has incurred in this matter.
vii. We look forward to hearing from you without delay. If we have not received a satisfactory reply by Wednesday 18th December, 2024 our instructions are to issue a Writ.
viii. In the meantime, our client reserves all his rights.
Yours sincerely,
Kweku Y. Paintsil, Esq.
Honourable K. T. Hammond