
Ghana’s Democracy Under Threat: “CARE” Ghana Sounds Alarm

“CARE” Ghana, a civil society organization, has issued a stark warning about the rising political temperature in Ghana, posing a significant threat to the country’s democracy.

In a press release, Executive Director David Kumi Addo expressed grave concerns about the escalating tensions, citing:

  1. Shortcomings in democratic institutions, particularly justice, political inclusion, and electoral transparency.
  2. Lack of trust in institutions due to perceived bias and impartiality.
  3. Inflammatory statements by political actors fueling tensions.
  4. Exclusion and hopelessness driving citizens to despair.

Addo emphasized the need for collective action to safeguard Ghana’s democracy, urging:

  1. Political leaders to promote unity and dialogue.
  2. Government to restore public confidence in institutions.
  3. Transparency and accountability in decision-making processes.

“CARE” Ghana warns that the current situation mirrors hazardous trends in other countries, highlighting the urgency for immediate action to prevent a crisis.

Key Quotes:

  • “The peace and stability of our nation depend on our collective efforts to ensure that our democracy remains strong, resilient, and truly representative of the will of the people.”
  • “Let us not forget that Ghana’s democracy is the product of decades of struggle and sacrifice. It is a legacy that we must protect for future generations.”

Call to Action:

“CARE” Ghana appeals to all stakeholders, including political leaders, civil society, religious leaders, the media, and citizens, to work together to defuse tensions and ensure a peaceful, just, and inclusive Ghana.

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