
Reclaiming farmlands destroyed by illegal mining: AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine shows the way

The devastating effects of mining in the Adansi enclave continue to bring untold hardships and affects the cost of food products.

Residents whose only source of livelihood is farming continue to rue the effects of illegal mining activities on their farmlands.

Soil degradation (SD) poses a significant challenge to tropical agricultural production systems due to its role in depleting soil nutrients.

Concerned about the potential hunger and poverty this might caused, AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine in 2022 launched the Climate Resilient Oil Palm Project to promote sustainable development and addressing the challenges posed by climate change in six local government assemblies namely: Obuasi Municipal Assembly, Obuasi East District Assembly, Adansi Akrofuom District Assembly, Adansi North District Assembly, Adansi Asokwa District Assembly, and Adansi South District Assembly.

In partnership with Solidaridad West Africa, the CROPP project has so far contributed to restoring about 200 hectares of degraded land by planting 30,000 seedlings.

According to the Economic Development Superintendent of AngloGold Ashanti Daniel Arthur- Bentum, buoyed by the successes of the 1st phase of the project, AngloGold Ashanti in May, 2024 distributed 60,000 oil Palm seedlings to farmers to continue to help in reclaiming the destroyed lands.

Mr. Arthur Bentum noted that AngloGold Ashanti together with its partners has set sight on rehabilitating 1000 hectares of degraded land using oil Palm as the main crop.

Soil testing
Soil or land degradation in itself cannot be directly measured. Instead, assessment and modelling efforts rely on biological and physicochemical indicators. It is for this reason that phase II of the CROPP project is conducting a comprehensive assessment of identified degraded lands, and other land uses (food crops, oil palm, cashew, cocoa, and secondary forest) to assess baseline soil carbon.
As explained by Edward Kyere of Solidaridad West Africa, the assessment will provide data for modeling CROPP’s impact on building resilience and mitigating the effects climate change.

He said to help restore the land it was important to collect soil samples and test them at the lab to know whether the land has some component of nutrients to support plant growth.

Stakeholder involvement

Kwabena Addo Economic Development officer of AngloGold Ashanti said for them to actualize the vision of the CROPP project community members were organized into cooperatives who he said have shown enthusiasm towards the project.

He mentioned that AngloGold Ashanti as part of the project is collaborating with stakeholders to sensitize the citizenry to prevent them from going to re-mine at the reclaimed site.


Isaac Forkuo a farmer at Mampamhwe in the Obuasi East district who is an active member of the CROPP project expressed excitement to be part of the land restoration process.

He said the level of degradation due to illegal mining was worrying but was happy the CROPP project was yielding the expected results of making the lands arable.

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