IHRC RFT Establishes Africa Regional Hub in Dakar, Senegal_

The International Human Right Commission (IHRC- Relief Fund Trust(RFT), a UN accredited Organization with
Special ECOSOC Consultative Status since 2016 has officially opened on August 2nd 2024 its Africa
Region Coordination Bureau in Dakar Senegal.
During this event the World Chairman of the IHRC- RFT H.E Ambassador Dr. Muhammad Shahid
Amin Khan provided an oral update on the fundamental mission of the IHRC- RFT and the role in
Africa and the World , he highlighted the Activities of the bureau in Africa.
In his Address to the People of Senegal and Africa the World Chair emphasized that IHRC- RFT has
as fundamental objective to Promote Human Dignity and enhance the sense of Civic Responsibility.
‘‘This organization is a Facilitator between the governments and the people; we are strengthening
government mechanisms to provide human rights to its own people.
We do not dictate to the government, we make suggestions and recommendations for the good of
the people.
“Our fundamental responsibility is to guarantee that the fundamental and basic rights of
every individual be respected and preserved. We will make sure that the human rights violations
are properly handled by the governments and its institutions.
“Today, establishing this bureau in
Africa is our way of reaffirming our engagements towards upholding these values and attaining
these objectives with the assistance of respective governments.’’
The IHRC-RFT will assist every governments in Africa to follow the objectives of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights passed by the United Nations as an inspiring document for the respect
of human dignity and rights as well as the AU on Peoples and Human Rights also known as the
Banjul Declaration.
It is our clear message to all the African governments that ‘’the IHR-RFT is Your facilitator and
adviser to strengthen your efforts for protecting the Dignity and the rights of your own people. We
will be your partners in establishing the Rule of Law, Constitutional Supremacy with the respect of
every State Sovereignty.”
The IHRC-RFT Chief also announced the highest honor of the Commission -International Human
Rights Award for the Youngest President of Africa, H.E Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar FAYE as the
visionary leader for Senegal and United Africa.
In this ceremony; Ambassador Diop Mbacke has been awarded the Pride Performance Award on
his outstanding performance to strengthen the IHRC-RFT activities in Africa. Alongside the IHRC-RFT
Chief, the newly appointed Africa Regional Bureau Coordinator granted a Press Conference during
which they both elaborated the strategic sustainable development plan of the commission for the
next years in Africa.
The National Directors Ms. Jokem Quinivet of Cameroon, Mr. Narcise Aboa of Ivory Coast, Ms.
Regina Otouli of Mali, Mr. Ngoy Pascal Lenge of DRC, Ms. Amn Kadiatou Nassou of Guinea Conakry
and The Mr. Abdoule of Gambia were also present in the ceremony along with H.E Moussa
Diakhate President of Committee on Laws, Decentralization, Labor and Human Rights and Member
of Parliament of the Senegalese Parliament , H.E Jean Koe Ntonga Plenipotentiary Minister, Dean of
the Diplomatic Corps in Senegal and Ambassador of Cameroon to Senegal, H,E Kaoutar Agzaou
IHRC Vice Chairperson for Women Affairs, Representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs for
Senegal ; Representative of Ministry of Interior Affairs ; Representative of Ministry of Women and
Family Affairs and the Mayor of Dakar as the guests of honor.
In the opening ceremony, National Directors of IHRC-RFT, with the endorsement of Senior Vice
Chair Person Ambassador Mrs. Asra Khan, Senior Deputy Chairman Ambassador Abu Zein, Scretary
General Ambassador Malik Nadeem Abid, and Assistant Vice Chairman for Africa Ambassador Dr.
Innocet Ahure Tivlumun adopted the Dakar Declaration of Actions 2024 and reaffirmed their
commitment to strengthen the activities in the light of SDGs 2030 and respect of Human Dignity
and Rights with the assistance of respective governments , this declaration, will be a mile stone
document for the activities of all organs of International Human Rights Commission -RFT in Africa .