
Hospital Shuts Down As Ghosts Allegedly R@p3 Nurses Mercilessly

A clinic has been closed down in Zimbabwe after nurses refused to turn up for duty, citing complaints of ‘invisible creatures raping them.’

The bizarre incident occurred at Shale Clinic in Umzingwane district, Matabeleland South. The mysterious creatures, suspected to be tikoloshes, are also allegedly causing disturbances at a nearby primary school where they reportedly sexually molest teachers.

Teachers have threatened to join the nurses in deserting their duties if the situation is not addressed.

One of the villagers, Themba Moyo, who confirmed the incident, told ZimLive:

“The clinic is closed because two female nurses and a male health technician ran away after complaining that they were being sexually abused.

“They woke up feeling moist in their privates with signs that they had sexual intercourse. This was happening at night. At the moment, there’s just a janitor and a nurse’s aide who live in the community.”

Another villager, speaking on condition of anonymity, said:

“There were two nurses and a health technician. They initially started complaining about feeling tired when reporting for duty in the morning and claimed they were not getting restful nights.

“They then opened up and explained what was happening at the clinic. The male health technician had a torrid time one night with the creatures pulling his penis and testicles. He struggled to walk in the morning as his privates were swollen. His wife had a miscarriage recently, and we believe this could be linked to the tikoloshe issue. They left as they could not tolerate the abuse anymore.”

The villager also mentioned how teachers at Shale Primary School were being tormented by the tikoloshes.

He added:

“The tikoloshes have sex with females, and men wake up with swollen privates. Sometimes, female teachers wake up to find themselves sleeping outside their rooms, with their food mysteriously eaten.”

At an emergency meeting convened by the villagers, it was agreed that prophets or traditional leaders would be hired. The villagers, suspecting tikoloshes to be behind the reign of terror, also resolved to banish the owner of the tikoloshes once they are identified.

Moyo told the publication that a prophet from an apostolic sect in Rusape conducted a cleansing ceremony and identified a local politician as the owner of the supernatural creatures.

The villager said:

“There was shock all around when our local Zanu PF councillor was pointed out as the owner of the tikoloshes. She was quite upset and took the matter to the police, who arrested the prophets.

“The prophets were later fined US$20 each at Esigodini and released.”

However, it was learned that a local traditional healer, Headman Nkala, dismissed the cleansing ceremony conducted, stating that the traditional leaders are seeking the services of “genuine” prophets.

Source; Kawundo

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