I was tired of waiting so I Proposed to my boyfriend but People said I shouldn’t have done that

Recent social media posts by a woman described how, after some time of dating, she made the decision to ask her boyfriend to marry her.
Her lover, she revealed, is a lousy planner when it comes to surprises, so she has always planned all of the ones in their relationship. According to her, she has orchestrated every surprise for their anniversary and birthday.
She took matters into her own hands, asking her partner in private to be with them at their house (he accepted), describing herself as someone who despises waiting.
Her lover expressed his love for her proposal to her, causing her to cry, she revealed. They celebrated later by watching movies together.
“I proposed to my boyfriend and I find it funny that people think it’s weird, or that I’m disappointed, or that he feels emasculated. Has anyone else proposed to their man or thought about it?
When you get engaged, people wanna know a few things: When the wedding is, how “he” proposed, and what the ring looks like.
I proposed because I am the planner and he loves surprises. He is very bad at planning things, to the point that we have agreed that all birthday/holiday/anniversary gifts will be cash into the savings fund, otherwise he’d be empty handed every time.
I hate waiting, we both agreed to get married, I straight up told him I was going to give him a proper proposal, so I did it. The way I did it was very personal to us, in our house, after work. He cried a little. He loved it. We then watched our new favorite show, went to bed, and went to work the next day. It wasn’t very climactic, but it was special to us.
Most of the people who are close to us are not surprised. They know us, they love us, the understand us. A few people, however, think maybe I shouldn’t have proposed. They are convinced that he feels emasculated and is hiding it (Puh-lease. He couldn’t hide an emotion from me if he wanted to, I can read him so well and he talks to me about everything anyway), some are convinced that I wanted some proposal but was “tired of waiting” so that’s why I took the initiative. Nope. I proposed to him because we wanted to get married. There didn’t even need to BE a proposal, considering that we already agreed to be married!
I know that some men want to be the ones that propose, and that is TOTALLY fine. I don’t care. Even if my guy was that type, I wouldn’t mind. But, he isn’t, so I went for it. It was right for us which is the only kind of “right” that matters. Why would any one want to do something that is only right for someone else??
Anyway, I just wanted to vent this because it’s been weighing on me a bit today. Obviously I will let the haters hate, and continue doing me. That’s easy!”