If You Are a Man & You Don’t Like $3×, You Are Sick, Seek Medication – Doctor Edmund Arthur

Dr Edmund Arthur of Balm of Gilead Alternative Clinic has divulged that any man who does not like s3x may be a result of sickness.
Speaking on Kessben TV’s Sports show, the medical practitioner stressed that it is highly uncommon for the human system especially that of the male to shy from s3x thus if any man doesn’t want to feel for s3x it may be a cause of a medical condition.
According to him, going without s3x or intimacy can have adverse health impacts like increased anxiety and trouble sleeping and thus the need to be sexually active as a human.
Various research by medical doctors have concluded that orgasms can provide anxiety relief, boost immunity, and help you sleep better.
Dr. Arthur urged men who don’t want s3x to seek proper medical consultations.