
NUGS Campaigns for Vote Transfer Centers on University Campuses for Student Convenience

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has issued a clarion call to the Electoral Commission (EC) to establish vote transfer centers on university campuses nationwide. This move is aimed at enhancing student participation in the upcoming December elections by addressing the numerous challenges that hinder students from exercising their franchise.

At a press conference held earlier today, NUGS President Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel highlighted the various obstacles that students face in the voting process. These challenges include:

  • Long distances to registration centers, which often require students to travel long distances, incurring additional costs and time.
  • Financial constraints, as students may not have the necessary resources to cover transportation costs or sacrifice their part-time jobs to register and vote.
  • Conflicting examination schedules, which may coincide with voter registration and election days, forcing students to choose between their academic responsibilities and civic duties.

Daniel emphasized that these barriers significantly deter students from registering to vote and participating in the electoral process. He stressed that the establishment of vote transfer centers on university campuses would mitigate these issues, making it easier for students to register and vote without compromising their academic responsibilities or financial stability.

NUGS believes that providing accessible voting options for students is crucial for fostering inclusive democratic participation. The union argues that students represent a vital segment of the electorate whose voices must be heard. By accommodating their unique needs, the EC would ensure that the democratic process is more inclusive and representative.

In conclusion, NUGS’s appeal to the EC underscores the importance of removing barriers to voting and highlights the need for institutional support to facilitate student engagement in national elections. By setting up vote transfer centers on university campuses, the EC can demonstrate its commitment to promoting inclusive democracy and ensuring that the voices of all citizens, including students, are heard.

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