
“Shock Revelation: Godfred Dame’s Secret Plan to Imprison Dr. Ato Forson Exposed”

In a shocking revelation, Sammy Gyamfi, the National Communications Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has exposed a plot by the Attorney General, Godfred Dame, to imprison the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, at all costs. This bombshell was dropped during the cross-examination of the third accused person, Jakpa, in the ongoing ambulance case.

Speaking to the media after today’s court proceedings, Mr. Gyamfi revealed that the Attorney General has been making overtures to the third accused person, including calls at odd hours, in an attempt to coerce them into providing incriminating testimony against the Minority Leader. This disturbing development raises serious questions about the integrity of the justice system and the rule of law in Ghana.

According to Mr. Gyamfi, the Attorney General’s actions are a clear indication of a politically motivated witch-hunt aimed at silencing the Minority Leader and discrediting the opposition. He condemned the Attorney General’s conduct, stating that it is unacceptable for a high-ranking government official to abuse their power and undermine the legal process in such a brazen manner.

The ambulance case has been shrouded in controversy from the outset, with many questioning the motives behind the prosecution of the Minority Leader and others. This latest development has only added fuel to the fire, with many calling for the Attorney General to be held accountable for his actions.

As the case continues, many are watching with bated breath to see how this will play out. Will the Attorney General succeed in his alleged plot to jail the Minority Leader, or will justice prevail? Only time will tell.

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