My boss told me to go home because my breast is distracting the men at work – Lady cries out

A 27-year-old woman shared her experience of being asked to leave the office by her boss because of her outfit.
She explained that her air-conditioner at work had been freezing for a month due to this, she started wearing light clothes alongside with a jumper to abstain her from getting cold only for her manager to approach her over her cloth.
She said: “I was not prepared because it had been warm enough after I put in the request. I didn’t dress for the colder temperature and was wearing slacks with a thin white blouse.
“I was so cold that my n****pples became visible through my shirt… to the point where it bothered one of my co-workers so much that he had to go and whine to my manager who told me to work from home or go back and change.’
“I had work that needed to be done in person and I didn’t have time to go all the way home, change, and come back. On top of that, my manager approached me about this in front of my co-workers.
“I had work that needed to be done in person and I didn’t have time to go all the way home, change, and come back. On top of that, my manager approached me about this in front of my co-workers.”
Source: ElizabethOlu