Churches Encouraged to Remember Crucifixion of Christ Beyond Easter

In a powerful statement during a rehearsal for a stage play reenacting the death of Christ, Divine Jones, a renowned tv and film director has emphasized the importance of keeping the crucifixion of Christ in our minds at all times, not just during Easter. He urged churches to preach and reenact the profound sacrifice of Christ as a reminder of His forgiveness and love for the Church.
Veteran actor Fred Amugi and other renowned actors are set to feature in this impactful reenactment of Christ’s journey through a stage play. The aim is to bring the message of redemption and sacrifice to life, engaging audiences in a powerful and emotional experience.
Divine Jones emphasized the need for Christians to learn from Christ’s forgiveness and extend the same grace to one another. By reflecting the fragrance of Christ’s love and forgiveness in our actions, we can foster unity and understanding within the Church.
Let us remember the crucifixion of Christ as a constant reminder of His ultimate sacrifice and the forgiveness we are called to extend to others. Through stage plays and powerful performances, the message of Christ’s death and resurrection can resonate with audiences all year round, strengthening our faith and deepening our understanding of His love.