Landlady falls into latrine pit after she refused to repair it

Rosemary Wangithi, a 60-year-old landlady in Gitwe Village, Kirinyaga County, Kenya, was saved when she fell into a pit toilet.
Rosemary was discovered, according to the Citizen Digital, when her neighbors heard her cries emanating from a 45-foot latrine.
“She stayed inside this pit latrine for about 30 minutes as we waited for the firefighters to arrive,” Wangithi’s neighbour Peter Mwangi told Citizen digital
According to Chief Fire Officer John Kiama, they were able to save Rosemary and took her right away to the Kerugoya Referral Hospital, where she is responding to treatment.
The rentees said that despite their complaints, she had declined to fix the latrine.
We are now hopeful that the landlord will fix the facility having learned that she too can be a victim of the same,” one of the tenants said.