W/R: Sad News: Woman after daily bread found dead at Galamsey site

A woman believed to be in her mid-thirties has met her untimely death in her pursuit to find daily bread at a Galmasey site in Wassa Aamenfi in the Western Region of Ghana.
The woman identified as Miriam who left one child behind was found in a Galamsey pit lifeless.
According to a report filed by Kessben FM’s Bright Agyamfra on Kessben FM’s Breaking News, the late Miriam has been going to the Galamsey site to work recently.
Unfortunately, she could not return home during her last visit to the mining site.
Following an announcement by her worried husband 24 hours after not setting eyes on his wife, a search party for her was launched after which she was found lifeless in the the Galamsey pit.