Boyfriend sleeps with all friends of his girlfriend for cheating on him

A Nigerian man has shared shocking details of how he slept with all the female friends of his girlfriend after he got evidence that she was cheating on him.
These days it’s easy to find people in a relationship cheating on each other with the hope of not getting caught by the other party.
But luck eluded a lady as her boyfriend came to know of her cheating behaviour through a text message he saw on her mobile phone.
According to him, he was sitting and having fun with her girlfriend when all of a sudden she received a text message from her other boyfriend thanking her for the bedmatics treatment she treated him when they met the previous day.
Even though he saw the message he pretended not to see the message and continued to treat her girlfriend very well and even did more for her which even surprised her at a point.
Not knowing he had devised a plan to get back at her girlfriend by sleeping with all the female friends of his girlfriend he succeeded in doing that and went ahead to date and plan marriage with a different lady.
When the date of his marriage to the second lady was due, he called his cheating girlfriend and told her everything including sleeping with all her friends as payback for cheating on him.
source: ghpage