Cowbell Partners 37 Military Hospital To Celebrates World Milk Day at Teshie Gonno Cluster of School

Since 2001, the United Nations and Food and Agriculture Organization have set 1st June as World Milk Day, an international day to recognize the importance of milk as a global food.
Cowbell in partnership with 37 military hospital on Friday conducted a nutrition assessment outreach program in Teshie Okpoi Gonno cluster of schools to educate the students on the importance of milk for a balanced diet as well as accessing their nutritional statuses.
Linda Akua Akua Panin, Diary brand executive disclosed that Cowbell in partnership with the 37 military hospital launched this annual nutrition assessment programme three years ago as part of its activities to mark the World milk day celebration.

According to her, understanding the nutritional needs of children is a way of fighting against malnutrition amongst them. She, therefore, urged all parents to give their children cowbell products since they have all the balanced diet, vitamins, calcium protein, carbohydrates, and other minerals vital for the body. Play video of Madam Akua Alexander Stonliver larbi, Principal Dietician at the 37 military hospital, also disclosed that some of the children who undergo the assessment mostly fall within the ages of 2- 8 years are underweight because of poor nutritional dieting.
He advised that parents should increase the intake of milk in their children up growth.
Source: KessbenNewsRoom/Grace Baaba Sam