OASL Urges Staff To Get Right Upgrade For Promotion

The Office of the Administrator of Stool Lands (OASL) has asked its district officers to as a matter of necessity obtain the right qualification upgrade for the required promotions.
In her closing remarks at the 3-day District Officers Conference held at Ejisu from Tuesday 16th – 18th May, 2023, The Administrator of the Office of the Administrator of Stool Lands (OASL), Mrs. Maame Ama Edumadze-Acquah encouraged all District Officers of the OASL to upgrade themselves by taking accepted courses and training, as the Office is willing to ensure that they are promoted to the next available level in office as and when necessary.
Madam Maame Ama Edumadze-Acquah gave the district officers a heads up on Management’s plan of rotating district officers who have stayed in specific districts for 10years and above. This she said will be done gradually based on the financial capability of the Office.
She noted that exceptions will be made only for officers who have tangible reasons to prolong their stay in a particular district.
The Head of the OASL also urged the District Officers to build cordial relationships with staff working under them, this she admonished will breed better corporation, collaboration and mutual respect among all the workers.
The closing ceremony saw a recap of previous topics and activities but also discussed one pertinent new topic which according to the participants was worth discussing. The topic Work life balance was largely embraced by all, zeroing in on the need and importance of having a good quality of life by constantly checking up mental, physical and general health conditions.
During the 3- days conference, facilitators took turns to expound on various topics of training including Morden Trends Audit expectations, OASL Operation & Communication Strategy, Basic Accounting Techniques, National Anti-Corruption Action Plan, OASL Revenue App, Effective Revenue Mobilisation, Staff Performance Appraisal among others.
Participants got the opportunity to ask questions, make contributions and present their challenges from their various districts on their Performance of work which made the conference a very interactive one.
As part of this conference, there was also an open forum to discuss staff matters, such as the transfer of staff who have stayed in their operational area for over ten (10) years, welfare issues, challenges with new App and other pertinent issues affecting operations which were fairly addressed by Management.
The Conference hosted about 112 District Officers of the Administrator of Stool Lands from all the 106 operational officers of the OASL across the country.