Ministry of Education rolls out new innovation to wipe out errors ahead of BECE school placement – Here’s the code to confirm or correct errors in data provided

The Ministry of Education has introduced a new innovation to mop away errors in students’ data ahead of the release of the 2023 school placement.
Unlike previous years, the BECE if students provide their data for the schools’ selection process, there wouldn’t be any opportunity to correct an error till the release of the school placement.
The Communication director of the Education Ministry, Kwasi Kwarteng speaking on Kessben FM’s Maakye with Kwame Appiah Kubi explained that with this new initiative, students have the opportunity to correct errors in the data provided earlier.
Most often the errors of name typos, change of gender, and schools selected have been the bane but with innovation,
Students and parents have the opportunity to verify the data submitted weeks before the release of the placement.
Through USSD code *899*88# one can verify his or her data through the text confirmation process and do any necessary corrections.
For more details kindly contact the below number for further assistance.