General News

Woman Beats Boss Who Fired Her Before the Holidays

The worst time of the year to be let go from your job is during the holiday season. One woman was fired before Christmas and didn’t take it too too well.

Keisha Lynette Christmas — yes, Christmas — allegedly abducted her manager at a Smoothie King store. Christmas was reportedly fired on December 12, 2022, after having several writeups when she did not show up to work and arrived late.

On December 13, Christmas went to the store to pick up her paycheck with her 15-year-old daughter in tow. Another employee told Christmas she was fired while the manager was temporarily away and she clearly didn’t like the news. The woman started yelling and went behind the register to steal money.

Once the manager arrived and gave Christmas her paycheck, the scene continued on. It’s alleged that Christmas grabbed the manager’s neck and began slamming her head into the wall. “You’re not going to ruin my Christmas,” Christmas said, while allegedly slapping and choking the manager.

The woman then forced the manager across the street to a Wells Fargo bank to withdraw more money from the ATM, with her daughter following behind. The manager was released after withdrawing the cash.

Christmas has since been charged with aggravated kidnapping, robbery with bodily injury and retaliation. She was out on bond after being charged with assault causing bodily injury of a family member for an incident on June 8, 2022.

Source: ABC NEWS

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