Watch how a brave macho-man chased robbers with his motorbike & saved two KNUST ladies (Video)

A brave bodybuilder has received much applause after aiding in rescuing two young ladies who were in a taxi with armed robbers.
The bodybuilder who has been identified as Medmask speaking on Kessben TV with Kwasi Ntimoah narrated that while leaving the KNUST campus after he went on duty call, he heard a woman screaming for help.
As he turned, he saw a taxi at top speed heading away in the opposite direction with some ladies in the taxi yelling for help.
Medmask noted that he quickly turned in their direction and gave them a hot chase with his motorbike.
According to him, in the thick of the chase, it was like a blockbuster movie. He recounted that at a point he wanted to give up because some people even thought he was a robber not knowing he was rather chasing the robbers.
He said he did not give up because he has sisters just like those in the taxi and continued with the chase until the robbers got to a point where their taxi could not pass because of small the road is.
The robber’s car ended up in a gutter and they went away leaving the ladies in the taxi.