Kokuom SDA JHS: Contractor locks up Classroom block over unpaid arrears by Gov’t

The Chief Executive Officer and Contractor of JOYWAY WADADA AND SONS COMPANY LIMITED, Mr Emmanuel Appiah Agyei Alias Wadada has locked up a classroom block of Kukuom SDA Junior high school in Asunafo south district due to the government’s failure to pay the company.
The facility was awarded to the construction firm by Asunafo South District Assembly through DPard, completed in May 2020 and handed over to Ghana Education Service.
The contractor was compelled to lock up the facility over the government’s inability to pay GHc171,0000 as the outstanding balance owed the contractor.
Upon a visit by the Kesssben news team at the school, the teachers were seen sitting under a tree and having a conversation.
In an interview with the contractor, he revealed that he took a loan from the bank to finance the project and he’s debited huge interest each passing day upon default of the contract arrangement.
Source: KessbenNewsroom/