Michael Dobbs, a renowed British Conservative politician and best-selling author, most notably for his House of Cards trilogy famously said that Politics requires sacrifice. The sacrifice of others, of course.”
It is for this reason that the incumbent Obuasi West Constituency Secretary of opposition Ndc, David Adama has decided to shelve his desire to pursue further education to concentrate fully on executing his responsibilities as the Chief scribe of the party in the constituency.
In an interview with SMS NEWS, the 43 year old English tutor of the Obuasi Senior Technical school said, his dedication to the cause of the ndc, reorganising party members and the need to make the party vibrant in Obuasi West have taken his time to the extent that he barely has time for his family adding that it remains the opportunity cost for faithfully serving one’s political party.
” Although I hold a First class degree in English, it has become exceedingly difficult for me to pursue further education to even the PhD level just like my colleagues because my party job and activities have taken my time hence I have suspended that desire for now”
Talking about his influence and Sustained relevance in the politics of Obuasi, Mr.Adama who is also known as ‘ Obuasi Asiedu Nketia’ attributed to visit undying love for the National Democratic Party. ” I love the Ndc and my Job as the Party’s Secretary. Trust me, I sleep and wake up thinking about the Ndc”.
He again attributed the strides he has made in the Ndc and local politics in Obuasi to the pioneering role played by one time Chairman of the party Daniel Forjoe and an Ndc activist Franco Suurinaan Nagaye . He said they guided his path in the Ndc to reach the height he has gotten to now.
He was optimistic of an NDC victory in the 2024 General elections saying the ndc has a better record in terms of achievements than the governing Npp. He said he was opened to any position his party will give him in the event the party wins power.
” As a loyal member of the party, I am opened to serve under any capacity my party will deem fit. I am not discounting anything yet”
Coming on the heels of a successful branch elections, David Adama was upbeat about a successful Constituency elections. He said, he was in the race to maintain his position as the Party’s Constituency Secretary, a position he has held since 2014.
He mentioned that 55 people have submitted their forms to contest the various elective positions in the constituency.
He however appealed to aspirants to be measured in the messages they send across to delegated. ” I want to appeal to aspirations to campaign based on issues and not get personal. We are a party that believes in dissenting views and opinions”