Health & Lifestyle

Frequent Sex Makes Men Intelligent – New Study

The most relevant sexual organ human beings have is not located between their legs; it is situated between their ears.

Your brain is the seat of your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions.

The slurry of chemicals and the pathways they travel in your brain help define your personality, and that is quite relevant in the bedroom.

But while the brain has long been portrayed as command central, relaying orders to the rest of the body, the most recent science shows that the relationship is more subtle and dynamic: the brain works in tandem with the other organs of your body.

Better still, your brain can help your sex life but, conversely, your sex life also can help your brain.

Here Is Why Sex Can Make You Smarter.

Earlier this year, a study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Maryland discovered that regular sexual activity not only allowed for neurogenesis, or the creation of new neurons in the brain, but also improved cognitive function, potentially helping people think more clearly.

Per reports, University of Maryland study was not the first to establish that sex can positively influence the brain.

A study done way back 2010 also discovered that sexual experience causes cell growth in the hippocampus, a region of the brain that is instrumental to long-term memory.

What this means is that sex can help prevent the decay that leads to memory loss and dementia.

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Source: Leakynews

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