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Assoc. of Small Scale Miners offers to help Nat’l Security arrest Aisha Huang-like miners

The Ghana National Association of Small Scale Miners (GNASSM) has offered to help the police, National Security and state institutions fish out all persons involved in illegal mining.

The Association said such collaborative efforts “will eventually help weed out illegal miners and their accomplices, and rather ensure promotion and protection of legal mining within Ghana’s mining space”.

This was contained in a statement issued on Monday, September 12 regarding a recent interview granted one Kwadwo Peprah as an official of the Association.

According to GNASSM, the interviewee is not the President of the Association as portrayed, neither is he a member.

“Such publications per every estimation do affect the integrity of our members especially the
national executive and other office holders.

“We therefore disassociate our president Mr Philip Akuffo from the said commentary and publication, and further attach a list of GNASSM national executives and other district executives for the benefit of all media house and the general public at large.”

The Association observed that both counts on the charge sheet of Aisha Huang and the four others have to do with illegal mining.

“We at GNASSM are ready to assist the Ghana Police, National Security and the other state institutions involved in the prosecution of all illegal miners including those charged with such offences as Aisha Huang,” it proposed.


Ray Charles Marfo

Digital Marketing and Brands Expert

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