All Hail Kingsley Agyemang, The Dynamic Registrar Of The Scholarship Secretariat, as he promotes quality education in Abuakwa South Municipality

In the quest to improve and enhance quality teaching and learning in Abuakwa South Municipality of the Eastern Region Mr. Kingsley Agyemang, the dynamic registrar of the Scholarship Secretariat has launched various educational activities.
The Scholarship Secretariat Registrar who appears to be loved by the constituents in the municipality first launched what was dubbed as Kingsley Spelling Challenge in September 2021 for 27 primary schools in the area.

Barely a year after the launched and successful maiden Kingsley Spelling Challenge which aimed at supporting learning with special attention to reading and writing, Mr. Kingsley has added two more activities.
The two additional activities included Kingsley Maths and Science quiz and Time with Kingsley for Junior High Schools (JHS) and Senior High Schools (SHS) respectively.
Speaking at the colorful launching ceremony at the Kyebi Presbyterian College of Education auditorium, the people’s man Mr. Kingsley Agyemang said he was overwhelmed with the outcome of the Kingsley Spelling Challenge, a situation that motivated him to develop other concept to cover students at the JHS and SHS.
According to him, research shows that at the age of 12, children are expected to be familiar with 50,000 receptive vocabularies (words they can understand). With this in mind, it’s well worth making an effort to build the vocabulary of our children and spelling is just one of the ways we can do that.
This is what the Kingsley Spelling Challenge stands for – to build the vocabulary of school children in the Municipality.
To him, it is a sheer grace and great opportunity to be the head of the secretariat mandated to handle and award government scholarships for human resource development and growth of the country.
The relatively shy but bold Agyemang hinted that it is imperative to contribute to the human resource development and growth of the municipality, a reason he has decided to enhance and improve the quality of education in the area.
He averred that 76 public and private Junior High schools (JHS) will be competing in the Kingsley Maths and Science Quiz while 92 schools will partake in the second edition of the Kingsley spelling challenge for the primary schools.
Mr. Kingsley Agyemang continued that, the six Senior High schools in the municipality will have special encounters with Mr. Kingsley Agyemang and well-resourced mentors and facilitators in life build and carrier maintenance dubbed “time with a Kingsley”.
He added that the Kingsley Maths and Science Quiz is a clear manifestation of believing in the people, identifying talents and nurturing it to make it great for the Nation.
He said have made the Municipality proud and will be leading Abuakwa State College to the National Championships after putting up a splendid display and ensuring a commanding lead in the Regional finals of the National Science and Maths Quiz.
”Together with our partners, we congratulate you for achieving such a feat and we know you will continue to make yourself and the people of Abuakwa South Municipality proud as you compete on the National platform,” he said.
He said that they have absolute confidence that the next generation will make Ghana great just like our forbearers, the JB Danquahs.
To him, to act as an educational institution, they have the mandate to present awards to the ten top winners to any external examination to be among the top four percent of the nation.
He disclosed that 12 school children and 8 teachers benefited from the program and they were in Dubai for an educational trip.
On her part, the Regional Director of Education Mrs. Margaret Nsiah Asamoah urged the students in the municipality to take their education seriously to enable them to excel in the future.
She described the Kingsley Maths and Science Quiz as a laudable initiative that seeks to prepare the younger learners in the country and therefore called on teachers, mentors, coaches to support the student adding that teachers’ qualities is of the most important factors influencing students’ learning.
She added that the program will help the young learner to get a solid foundation in Maths and Science education at the secondary level.
Story by Tweneboah Koduah Kessben Online.