The biblical Babylon was the greatest city of the Babylonian Empire in ancient times. Babylon rose to prominence, and studies confirm it was symbolic of wealth, power and authority. In spite of the prominence and power of the Babylonian Empire, its reign eventually came to an end. This strongly affirms the adage: “No condition is permanent.”
The Babylonian Empire can be likened to the self-acclaimed indispensable John “Adwenekese3” Boadu who continues to eulogize himself as the only “KWAKU ANANSE” of our time in the NPP and that without him the party is doomed. John Boadu erroneously perceives himself as a symbol of “competence and wisdom” with unrivalled calibre within the NPP at present.
Babylon attained its pinnacle during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, and he was idolized as a result of his obsession with power. He built a gold idol and decreed the nation of Babylon bowed before it. Blinded by his fame, he defiled God Almighty, the Lord of Host. His arrogance, pride and excessive conceitedness eventually invoked the wrath and judgment of the God of Israel.
The story of the humiliating end of Nebuchadnezzar is a popular Sunday School lesson, and the lessons thereof are instructive.
Power does sometimes corrupt people to the point they forget from whence they have come, where they began or started from.
Many are the incarnates of the scriptural Nebuchadnezzar in the history of ancient and modern leadership.
The hallmark of any great leader is to allow another to take his place having exhausted his ideas. This is where the General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Hon. John “Adwenk3se3” Boadu who is seeking re-election on rather infertile grounds is exposed. Perhaps, he hardly recalls that before him were several General Secretaries of the party, and after him will be more others. Contrary to his mistaken assumption, his exit from the office of the General Secretary will rather reshape the party for impressive exploits.
“Without me the party is doomed” is not just a reckless statement from the General Secretary of a leading political party. It also shows a myopic thinking pattern of the person. The NPP is “bigger” than any single individual!
Considering that even the progenitors of our Tradition — Dankwa, Busia, and Dombo did not witness their great party take over the administration of our country for the first time in the year 2001, John Boadu must be reminded that the NPP was in existence before him, and after him it shall remain solid and stronger.
The determination of his continuous essence as the Chief Administrator of our party under the current political dynamics of our country, is not for his utterances to confirm, but his works, achievements, and influences to justify.
After nearly 30 years stay at the party’s headquarters, what other magic is left for him to display? He must pave way for the innovativeness and the youthful exuberance of Lawyer Justin Frimpong Kodua (JFK).
A general secretary with innovative ideas is the party’s surest bet to retain power in 2024.
Prof. Freeman Danquah
University of Bradford