Opera News is a Media Alarmist: Hopeson Adorye Will Never Quit NPP Communications Team – Fadi Dabbousi
Lassitude of the mind is a major cause of the disaster as is clearly noticeable in the unfortunate mishap we call “journalism” in Ghana, today. I cannot seem to wrap my head around what goes into the making of these silly boys and girls that run media outlets churning out some of the most useless bits of literal junk that you can ever read anywhere. And “Opera News” is no better!
Hopeson Adorye gave a clear indication on his Facebook wall to ward off parasites that find no use in their lives than to comment with insults and self-demeaning language which harm no one, but their profane characters of zero rating.
Opera News, an NDC portal as it seems to be, has been involved in such cringey propaganda. Recently, they interpreted the post of Hopeson Adorye to mean that he had served notice to quit the communications team of the National Patriotic Party, the NPP. I do not know what type of English they speak or understand, but surely it cannot be the Queen’s because a simple post cannot be read, but in a similarly simple manner.
Hopeson Adorye’s post is as clear as the full moon in a clear sky. It reads, as follows, in its original form, “Those who think they can walk to my wall and comment with insults without provocation may not see anything on my wall again. Notice is hereby served. Thank you!”
My take on it is that he is serving notice to block any charlatan, who would drop their loose bowels on his wall. In other words, do your defecation at your rubbish dump. Don’t come to the parameters of excellence to exhibit your shame! Of course, many are those who are driven by a few red cedis to satiate their appetite for yoko gari and beans, which really does not work well for their digestive system, hence the nauseating submissions, senseless interpretations, and misguided flatulence of disingenuous foolishness!
I call on the toothless media commission to distance itself from the rubbish that is regularly spewed out by Opera News and to apply its sanctions, albeit there is doubt about its capability and honest Will to fight such journalistic charlatanism as demonstrated by “Opera News”! Shame!