GNAPS Gives GES Up To Reopening To Retract Statement Made Against Them

The General Secretary for Ghana National Association of Private Schools (GNAPS) King Essel in a press conference held at the Office Secretariat at Alhaji Tabora has asked the Director General of Education, Prof. Amankwa to retract his statement on private schools for peace to prevail. Expressing his heartfelt grievances to the press he mentioned that GES under HE Nana Addo government do not care about private schools and the scheme is to systematically destroy private schools system in Ghana. According to him, some actions taken by the GES system such as the withdrawal of the 70% subsides enjoyed by private schools in 2017, change of curriculum, entrance examinations to take place before private school students are enrolled in Gov’t schools etc. are all proofs that GES wants to destroy private schools. Speaking on the issue, he emphatically said that, private school students are Ghanaians, hence a fair and equal treatment must be given to them, which according to him the constitution of Ghana indicates that they have the mandate to enjoy equal opportunities.
Mr King Essel is therefore calling on government to re-define GES because to him it has become ”PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM” which has taken away the original plan of GES and also the S.H.S scheme should be managed by a neutral person. In bringing the conference to end, GNAPS has called on government to help break the steps to these manners and also pleads with both public and private schools to join forces to restore hope and make Ghana education better for all.