I Have Paid My Dues In NPP – Musah Superior

One of the aspiring competitors for New Patriotic Party forthcoming General Secretary’s position election, Musah Superior has disclosed that, he is one of the long standing loyal members of the party from 1990 to date. Speaking at one of the local radio stations in the country side, he told the host that he’s not a minnow when it comes to service to the party. “We were there during the formation of the Dankwa- Busia club in 1990 as young as 21 years. At that time ,we had to hide to do meetings because Rawlings was eyeing us and prowling like a tiger to devour us arising out of his detestation for party politics and competition. I grew up to contest several positions and roles in the party over the years “, he pointed out. The former Tamale mayor said he once formed the famous Young Elephants Club in the party. He also contested for the National Organiser alongside Lord Commey and Alhaji Mucktar Bamba, that was won by Lord Commey. Apart from that, he contested as the parliamentary candidate in Tamale central in 2011 but lost to the NDC candidate so painfully. “Let me also say that in 2014, l was appointed by the then General Secretary of the party , Kwabena A. Agyapong as his special Assistant and l was a member of Nana Addo’s campaign team in the company of Abu Jinapor, Pious Hadzide, and others that toured all the 275 constituencies to win him power” , he told the host. Mr Superior continued that in 2017, the president appointed him as the Mayor of Tamale and now as the Deputy CEO of the Forestry Commission. He therefore asserted that he has what it takes to be the General Secretary of the party as a result of his dedication, loyalty, dynamism, charisma, intelligence, grass root approach and diligence. He postulated that for the party to win power, the pooling station station executives must be treated well because without them the party cannot win power. “The tendency of usually using them to win power only to abandon them after elections spells doom for the party. “There should be an economic plan for them by meeting their needs. If as a party we cannot cater for only 180,000 part executives as a part in power then we have failed. Everywhere l go people are grumbling and the party structures are very feeble as a result of poor attention given them by the current executives and l would change that when given the opportunity . I have been to 8 regions and over 30 constituencies and the moral and spirit of the party are very low as a result of apathy “. He opined that taking care of the party exceutives is not the duty of the president but national executives’ duty because the president has so much to do nationally. He promised to move out of Accra to the localities to work with the grassroots when given the nod in July 2022 . ” l view the local executives as the pillars if the party and if they are weak, how can the whole party be strong and l blame the current executives for the sad situation of the party at the local level. He therefore called for the removal of the current executives and replace them to breathe a new life into the party before 2024.
Source: Nana Poku /johnawuniktv@gmail.com