S/R: Central Gonja nurses, midwives declare ‘no security, no posting to Boachipe CHPS’

The Central Gonja branch of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) has said until the security of health workers is guaranteed and enhanced, no health worker must be posted to the Boachipe CHPS in the Savanna region.
The group’s comment follows a shooting incident that occurred at the Boachipe CHPS on Thursday, 17 February 2022, which left a nurse at the facility with injuries.
Reacting to the incident in a statement issued on Friday, 18 February 2022 and signed by its District Secretary, Mr Mohammed Abubakari, the Central Gonja GRNMA called on the management of the facility to ensure that the man behind the incident is arrested.
“We want to entreat that management should go the extra mile for the perpetrator to be arrested to face the full rigours of the law,” the GRNMA stated.
It also assured the members that it shall “follow this case to its logical conclusion.”
It added: “We, however, want to state that no nurse or midwife should be posted to the community until their security there is assured.”
A 32-year-old nurse in the community, Evans Adongo, escaped death by the whiskers when a native known as Tanko, opened fire at the community’s health facility.
The suspect went to the health facility wielding a gun and threatened to open fire.
He aimed at the victim who swerved but got hit.
According to the nurse, the man reloaded the gun with another bullet.
The nurse then attempted to close the door of the facility while screaming.
Some members of the community, who heard him scream, rushed to the facility to rescue the nurse while the suspect took to his heels.
The incident has been reported to the police.