Advanced Prophetic Intelligence and Revelation is my Hallmark – Prophet Jimmy Allah Mensah

Prophet Jimmy Alla-Mensah is the General Overseer of the House of Divine Glory Church and the Pillar behind Jimmy Alla-Mensah Global Ministries (both based in Maryland, USA). He is also the visioner of Jimmy Alla-Mensah Global Prayer Network.
He is an end time Prophet who has humbly submitted totally to the will of God and believes and attests that Jesus Christ remains the founder of the Church and Ministry and over the affairs of his life.
He received the call of God in April 2004 while seeking God’s divine direction about some personal challenges he was faced with then. Without further hesitation, he responded to that call as in Isaiah 6:8.
He is a vibrant charismatic preacher who teaches God’s word with deep prophetic insight. His ministry has touched the lives of many
- The barren have given birth
- The deaf has heard clearly
*The lame has walked
- People have had job openings
- Family curses broken
- Destinies realigned
- Businesses blossomed
- Examinations passed
- The lost has been saved
He is highly anointed by God in the office of the Prophetic; healing, deliverance, prayer, undeniable signs, miracles and wonders follow his ministrations.
God uses him daily to expose Satanic activities through what he calls advanced prophetic intelligence and revelations which he’s known for writing them out on his Facebook handle- Jimmy Alla-Mensah and Prophet Jimmy Alla-Mensah
He is one of the most easily accessible Prophet which is an uncommon attribute in this dispensation.
His prophetic gifting is rare. His prophecies are not numbered and read out at 31st December Crossovers. His prophecies are daily. You could have 10 prophecies given out in a row…..One could here him shout ‘Jesus’ continuously when ministering, preaching or even having a normal conversation. When that occurs, you know Heaven is dropping an alert on the schemes of the enemy.
It is the ignorant person that would call him a Prophet of Doom just because they claim he only prophesies concerning bad reports about to happen. The devil didn’t come to share candies and sweets, he came to steal, to kill and to destroy. Would you not rather have a prophecy to know the schemes of the devil so you can shape your Prayer life in that direction?
Hezekiah in the Bible was given a prophecy of death but when the prophet left, he turned his face to God and had a conversation with God in that regards. We was blessed with 15 more years
Prophet Jimmy holds college degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Ghana, Legon and from the George Washington University in Washington D.C.
Prior to his ministerial calling and Holy Ghost arrest, he was an accomplished Network and Security Engineer with numerous Networking Certifications to his name. He worked in top positions for renowned companies like Lockheed Martin, EDS and Verizon Internet Services. He is also a CISCO Specialist with strong background in CCIE-written/CCNP/CCSP.
He is certainly married to a beautiful soul and yes with blessed kids. He is an Ghanaian born American Citizen