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Concerned Ghanaian Doctors petition Akufo-Addo over mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

A group by the name of Concerned Ghanaian Doctors have petitioned President Nana Akufo-Addo to rescind his decision in making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory in public and private institutions across the country.

The group disagrees with the government banking all hopes on the COVID-19 vaccine, saying there are many unanswered questions in terms of its efficacy, necessity, and safety.

It thus does not see the need for the government to make vaccination mandatory.

In a petition dated Monday, 10 January 2022, the group, comprising 11 Doctors noted that some developed countries with very high vaccination rates are “currently deploying booster programs, yet they are struggling to get the virus under control especially with these new variants.”

“Assuming as a country we are to vaccinate more than 50 percent of our population, are we going to continue with perpetual boosters every 3 to 6 months in an attempt to maintain vaccine-induced immunity for this disease?” the group quizzed.

“Where then is the endpoint when these vaccines do not stop infection or the spread of Covid-19? Is this financially feasible for us as a nation?”

“All the relevant metrics show that Ghana and Africa at large have done better than most of the world with respect to the pandemic even before the advent of these vaccines. It is possible the rest of the world are rather to learn from us.”

The Minister of Health, Kwaku Agyemang-Manu, recently announced that the government will inspect COVID-19 cards beginning this month.

Source: Citinewsroom

Ray Charles Marfo

Digital Marketing and Brands Expert

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