The lawlessness and indiscipline in the Christendom must not be tolerated – Obiri Boahen

A leading member of the New Patriotic Party, Lawyer Obiri Boahen has stated that burst prophecies are usually from the ‘One Man’ churches.
According to him, prominent pastors like Dag Heward-Mills, Mensah Otabil are excluded and do not make such prophecies to the public.
Following a recent comment made by the Director of Public Affairs, Alexander Kweku Obeng that “anyone found to have made public prophecy will be compelled to substantiate his claims with evidence, some Ghanaians pastors have reacted to the issue.
Lawyer Obiri Boahen says the statement made by the police is in line with the Criminal Act which in section 208 of Ghana’s criminal code indicates that any news that is published without any substantial evidence to support his claims causes fear and panic must be charged.
Speaking with Omanhene Yaw Adu Boakye, he stated that Christian churches are not governed hence the result of lawlessness and indiscipline. ”The lawlessness and indiscipline in the Christian dome must not be tolerated” He stressed.
But a private legal practitioner, Lawyer William Kusi however says, prophecies cannot be criminalized, because prophecies cannot be dealt with at the court. He said, “If I am to make a prophecy at my church, you cannot arrest me for that, but making it known publicly on a radio station, the law can therefore find me guilty for causing fear and panic in the country”.
He also added that ” anyone who makes prophecy in his church can’t be dealt with, but rather those who should face the authorities are the ones who spread the prophesies.”
”I will be surprised if I hear that the court has arrested someone for prophesying in his church” he said.
Source Odai.