I’ve produced the highest number of hit songs in Africa – Appietus

Legendary music producer, sound engineer and artiste, Appietus, has bragged about his countless successes as a music producer, naming himself as the only person on the continent with this many hit songs.
Interviewed on the Ayekoo After Drive Show hosted by Doctar Cann, he boldly made this assertion. “The last time I put it up on Facebook, with the help of musicians and fans to count, we counted two hundred plus hit songs”, he said.
Appietus clarified that the two hundred plus count was only for the number of hit songs he has produced and not even the total number of songs he has produced. According to him, if he is to count all the songs he has produced all through his career, he will count up to the thousands.
“I think I’m the only person on the continent with that number of hit songs that are identified by everybody”, he bragged. Asked if he is sure he has made more hit songs than his fellow producers Zap Mallet and Kaywa, he replied, “I don’t know but all I’m saying is I have the highest”.
“You can do your checks. I won’t name anyone specifically and say I have made more hit songs than them but I have done my checks and I know what I’m saying so you can also do your checks”, the music legend further concluded.
Source: Happyghana