33-year-old man who swallowed Nokia phone undergoes surgery

Doctors have had to help a man after he swallowed an entire mobile phone.
The man, 33, managed to swallow a Nokia 3310 phone said to be an early 2000s model made by the former Finnish company.
Doctors in Kosovo, a Balkan state, had to assist him after the phone became lodged in his stomach.
The bizarre item is said to be one of many items which people swallow – despite it including small buttons and batteries.

Reports say the phone was “too large for him to digest” and his life was in danger because its corrosive battery acid could have leaked into is stomach.
Medical team leader Skender Teljaku shared photos on Facebook of the phone after it was removed, as well as X-ray and endoscope images while it was still inside.
He removed the foreign object without cutting into the patient’s stomach by taking it out in three pieces with endoscopy.
He was pleased with how the surgery went and said there were “no complications” with the operation.
Local media reported the man took himself to a hospital in the capital, Pristina, as he was suffering pain after swallowing the handset.
There are other reports of people swallowing mobile phones and in a 2014 case study, a 35-year-old drunken male attempted to swallow their phone and lodged it in their throat before it was surgically removed.
Another case in 2016, a 29-year-old patient swallowed their phone. Despite several hours of vomiting the phone remained in the stomach till doctors removed it.
SOURCE: adomonline