There Should Be Legislation To Protect Abused Women – CPP General Secretary

There’s an ongoing evolution of violent killings in Ghana leading to the loss of precious souls. Nana Yaa Jantuah, the general secretary of the convention peoples party (CPP) has lamented on Maakye show with Omanhene Yaw Adu Boakye, on Kesseben FM. She said the rate at which women are dying in the country is heart-wrenching.
Ghana needs reformation on gun laws and also proper background checks before registration to avoid unnecessary killings.
Nana Yaa Jantuah said the government should build a house for women being abuse or under threat to protect them from abusive partners. In the interview, she alluded that the constitutionally mandated agencies are not doing enough so they should wake up on their job.
Any fractured or relationships issues should be reported to the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) a unit in the Ghana Police Service to avoid the maiming or killing of women.
She admonished women to takes early signs serious to protect themselves and that women should be submissive to their husbands and learn to communicate with them well”. she concluded