Gov’t Initiatives Providing Jobs For Youth – NPP Ashanti Regional Organiser

The Ashanti Regional Organiser for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Francis Adomako has urged the Youth to take advantage of many employment modules that have been introduced by the government.
Openings such as youth in agriculture, youth in afforestation, youth in entrepreneurial training and youth in dressmaking under the Youth Employment Agency are initiatives tailored to them, Mr Adomako posited.
In statement released to the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper, the regional NPP executive said the youth can make life meaningful to themselves and their families if they could enroll or take advantage of these openings and apply to pursue whichever training they would want to make a profession after undergoing studies.
Mr Adomako noted that government was aware of the huge employment gap in the country and has designed some of these initiatives aforementioned under YEA and Agric Ministry as well as others under the one district one factory policy to tackle the unemployment issues.
We bring to you the full statement as released by Francis Adomako.
Unemployment have always been a major albatross of Ghanaians, most especially, the youth.
This problem, affects both graduates and non graduates in the country.
As such, it has always been one of the major factors for winning elections in this country.
It was evidently clear, in the results of the 2016 general elections, the NDC were rejected heavily by Ghanaians, most especially the youth as a result of their inability to create opportunities for the youth to be gainfullly employed.
The IMF conditionality, which required freeze on employment, especially in the public sector contributed a lot to their woeful performance in the said elections.
The NPP upon assumption of office, took bold steps in getting rid of this conditionality, to enable the government, recruit Ghanaians to work in the public sector.
It would be recalled, the NDC halted recruitment of Nurses from 2014 to 2016 as well as other public sector jobs.
This problem, created huge backlogs for the current government, however, as determined as this government is, in ensuring the youth are gainfully employed, have employed all these graduates, since it’s assumption of office.
The educational sector, have had it’s fair share, to employ thousands of graduates who until 2016, could not be employed as a result of this same conditionality.
The security agencies as well as all other public sectors have equally, had their share.
Notwithstanding, the current NPP government have introduced several initiatives geared towards curbing the unemployed menace which is a threat to our national security as well.
Mention can be made of the introduction of NABCO where 100,000 graduates were absorbed into various sectors to work.
It would interest you to know that most of these people who were absorbed under this initiative are now permanently employed after successfully gaining requisite skills needed of them to work in their various sectors.
The One District One factory initiative, which was one of the key campaign promises of this government in 2016 is also in full force.
As it stands, 104 districts are now operational and over 150,000 Ghanaian Youths have been gainfully employed under this initiative.
67 Business Resource Centers are also being established across the country to augment the efforts of the one district one factory initiative.
Of these 67 business resource centres, 38 have been commissioned by the President are fully functional, whiles 29 are at various stages of completion.
People can move into these Business Resource Centres for business ideas as well as presenting job proposals.
All these are available opportunities for the youth to take advantage of.
To draw the curtains down at this point, I would like further reiterate the moves by the Youth Empowerment